FAQ | PlusClouds Affiliate Program

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What is the PlusClouds Affiliate Program?

PlusClouds Affiliate Program is a business partnership that earns you 5% commission of the customers you bring in. The PlusClouds partner ecosystem lists the products and services of various companies. As an affiliate, you can promote these products and services on your own online channels and receive commission from the invoice paid by customers who use your code at checkout. If your promotions do not attract customers, you will not lose any money.

Who Can Become an Affiliate?

PlusClouds Affiliate program does not have a specific number of followers limit, you can apply as long as you have a platform that you think you can advertise on.

How to Apply for Affiliate?

Those who want to become an affiliate can apply with a single click through the LEOv4 panel. First of all, you need to create an account on the panel with your e-mail address, and when you enter the panel, you need to go to the “Affiliate with Us” tab under the “👤” option at the top right. Here you apply by simply pressing the “Apply” button. It is not mandatory to add information to your profile in the panel before applying, but it is recommended as it will speed up the process. You will be notified by email when your application is approved.

How to Create Affiliate Content?

Video, image, blog post; in short, you can create content in any format. You can share them on any platform of your choice. The content you share must accurately reflect the PlusClouds Partner Ecosystem, the companies and products/services in the ecosystem. For inspiration you can check our the sample PlusClouds content on the dashboard and use tools such as the AI blog assistant on the dashboard while creating content.

Blog Support with Artificial Intelligence

If you have a blog that you use to publish your articles, you can benefit from PlusClouds' AI-powered blog assistant. For the blogs you publish using our panel, AI will automatically suggest content such as Meta title, keywords, ideas. In order not to disturb the authenticity of the blog, AI is not used in the blog body content. Our AI system is intended to support blog content, provide ideas and speed up the process by eliminating manual entry of elements such as keywords, not to let AI write the entire article.

How Do I Publish a Blog on the LEOv4 Dashboard?

You can add the domain of your existing blog to the system by going to menu on the left > “Commons” > “Domains”. Then simply enter your domain information in the “Create New Domain” option. After creating a domain, you can go to the same menu on the left, then “Blogs” > “Posts” and create a new blog. The Domain you entered into the system will be listed here.

Products and Services

In the panel, there is a menu on the left. Go to “Marketplace”, then “Products” and all products/services will be listed here. You can find the information you need about the product here as well. From the same “Marketplace” menu, you can also view information such as product catalogs, which country market it is for, etc.

Affiliate Code

After your affiliate application is approved, the system will automatically assign a special affiliate code for you. When people who make a purchase after seeing your posts use this code, we will provide you with a 5% commission. The purchases made with this code and the payment information are displayed in the “Affiliate with us” window, which you can find among the account information at the top right of the panel.

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Author: Alara Türkü