Business Intelligence as a Service
Try PlusClouds Eaglet service and find high quality B2B hot leads and opportunites with AI support.
When your company starts to grow, you may never want to look back and fix problem. Security is a major problem that will pause your growth and create prestige problems.
Secure your infrastructure to grow fast!
With couple of easy tricks you can secure you environment for most of the attacks!
A firewall will prevent 90%-99% of attacks and helps protect your systems from unauthorized access, malware, and cyberattacks by blocking potentially harmful traffic.
Using a VPN provides secure access to internal resources by authenticating users and devices, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
Establishing regular backups and a response plan in case of a breach or system failure. Just in case. Better safe then sorry.
Securing your environment
PlusClouds offers a completely free Virtual Datacenter service. With just one click, you can set up a fully manageable network and a secure, private environment tailored to your needs. This allows you to easily control your resources, enhance security, and scale your infrastructure without added costs or complexity.
We provide free and open source firewalls as well as licenced and managed firewalls. Depending on your need of your complexity of your network, you can easily start with an open source firewall which is licence free and starts from 10$
Deploy your databases, web servers, CRM, ERP applications, operations automations tools and etc. with couple of clicks. Managing your datacenter is extremely easy with PlusClouds, its just sometimes it may get complicated.
Not to make it complicated on the very first day, we highly suggest you to take a free consultation or follow our guidelines about how to create your datacenter from scratch.
You can position PlusClouds Cloud Attached Storage (CAS) service, you can start backing up everything, including but not limited to your all clients, servers, configurations. Even you can deploy file sharing service called NextCloud and reach your files using your mobile phone.
We provide automation tools for enhanced security and monthly security assesment services with various partners. Subscribing those tools which starts from 10$ a month will keep you up to date and secure at all times.
For companies which became large enough to have serious amount of IT components in your environment we provide penetration tests. This test involves 3 steps which should be repeated annually or quarterly depending to your needs.
PlusClouds partners network has various companies from cyber security vertical, that can help your enterprise needs with to the point solutions.