The best server stack money can buy!

As a result of 2 Tubitak and 2 EU grants, we bring you enterprise datacenter service for a fraction of cost.

Radius PoC Labs

This photo is taken while testing our CN1XX Series compute nodes.
For more information please click here.

# of accounts


# of VMs created


Grants Won

2 Tubitak, 2 EU


10% -> 40%

Trusted by enterprise companies

PlusClouds is actively being used by enterprise companies for more than 10 years.

Tuple Reform SavvyCal Laravel Transistor Statamic

Our server structure

Checkout our server design system and how we are configuring our servers for long term use.

Enterprise Grade Servers

Thanks to our technology stack we bring you the latest enterprise server stack built with Dell R640+ and Dell R740+ series.

True Cloud Infrastructure
Custom built, true price/performance hardware, stable and robust design.
Software Defined Networking
Always be in control of your network even if it gets way much complex.
Pay as you go
You can pay only the time you use the server in terms of SECONDS! This means that the time you shutdown your server you only pay for harddrive and nothing else.
No single point of failure
With datacenter and infrastructure design we offer no single point of failure design, where we dont create uptime issues while updating the datacenter.
API Support
With easy to use Leo APIs you can manage your own datacenter, building your own custom scripts or applications.
Fully automated and auditable
We create the most auditable actions mechanism where you can automate everything as well as log and monitor.

Pricing with pay-as-you-go model!

True Enterprise Infrastructure

Leo Star Value Hybrid V1

Enterprise cloud infrastructure where there is no single point of failure, robust and durable needs.

True Enterprise Infrastructure

Leo Stary Hybrid Value 2.5Ghz

Enterprise cloud infrastructure where there is no single point of failure, robust and durable needs.

For agility and price/performance requirements

Leo One Hybrid Value

True price performance design for agility and speed as well as cost optimization.

Let us help your migration.

Lets make a short videoconf and talk about how we can migrate you to an automated environment!