ذكاء الأعمال كخدمة
جرب خدمة PlusClouds إيجلت واكتشف فرص وعملاء محتملين عالي الجودة في مجال الأعمال بين الشركات بدعم الذكاء الاصطناعي
Server response time is the time taken for a user’s browser to receive a response to a request made to the server. According to Google PageSpeed Insights, server response time should be less than 200 ms. High response time results in slow loading of the website, decreased SEO performance, and a negative impact on user experience. In this article, we will discuss the best optimization techniques that can be applied to reduce server response time in detail.
The server hosting your website is the most significant factor affecting response time. In shared hosting, performance can decline because you share the same server with hundreds of different websites. Better options:
VPS (Virtual Private Server): Better performance with fewer shared resources.
Dedicated Server: A server assigned exclusively for your website.
Cloud Hosting: Offers scalable and fast solutions with dynamic resource management. If you want to minimize server response time and maximize your website's performance, you can check the High Performance and Reliable Infrastructure Solutions with PlusClouds section at the end of the article!
The further the server is, the longer the response time. It is essential to prefer servers that are closest to the region where your target audience is located.
The next-generation HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 protocols significantly reduce server response time by offering faster connections and parallel data transfer.
Unnecessary or outdated data can extend query times. You can optimize your database by using the following methods:
Complex and heavy SQL queries can increase server response time. Instead:
Caching greatly shortens response times by reducing server load. The most effective methods are:
Allows the server to temporarily store certain pages or data. For example: Opcode Cache: Reduces processing time by caching dynamic languages like PHP. Redis and Memcached: Used to speed up database queries and dynamic content.
Allows static files (CSS, JS, images) to be stored by the browser. Can be configured using Expires and Cache-Control headers.
CDNs cache content on geographically distributed servers and deliver it from the server closest to the user. Popular CDN providers include:
Text-based files like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be compressed using Gzip or Brotli. This reduces file size and decreases server response time.
Especially in CMSs like WordPress, unnecessary plugins can cause additional server load.
Keep-Alive: Maintains a continuous connection between the server and the client, eliminating the need to establish a new connection for each request.
Connection Pooling: Reduces unnecessary load by allowing database connections to be reused.
Newer versions contain performance improvements. For instance, the PHP 8.x series is much faster than previous versions.
Images are one of the largest file types on websites. The best optimization methods include:
You can ensure HTML and CSS files load faster by removing unnecessary whitespace and comments. Minify tools include:
If you want to enhance your server performance and minimize your website's response time, you can opt for PlusClouds' flexible and powerful cloud infrastructure. With optimized cloud servers for businesses, e-commerce sites, software developers, and large-scale projects:
Remember the following key points to shorten server response time:
By applying these, you will see that your website responds faster and user experience is greatly improved.
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