Detect Malware and Malicious Activity with Penetration Testing

Computer systems face the risks of malicious people such as hackers and malware. You can use Penetration testing to detect vulnerabilities in your system. Penetration testing is a simulation that aims to deliberately launch cyber attacks to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited in systems. The main purpose of penetration testing is to detect security vulnerabilities. It also tests the robustness of security policies, compliance with legislation, employee security awareness, and the organization’s capacity to identify and respond to security threats.

Penetration tests reveal all kinds of vulnerabilities that will allow hackers to access the system. Thus, it tightens security policies in systems. Through these tests, details about possible targets are gathered. When it comes to system security, penetration testing is used to improve the firewall.


How to Perform Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing allows you to fine-tune your WAF security policies and fix vulnerabilities. Penetration testing can be done manually or through security tools. The purpose of using automated penetration testing can be listed as follows.

  • Cost-conscious CISOs with limited number of security personnel,
  • DevOps teams that need application security to reduce false positives,
  • Application security teams who need to develop layered security without interfering with development timelines,
  • Creating red teams that will benefit from a detailed list of security vulnerabilities in applications.
  • Penetration testing detects vulnerability in a human-centered way. It is one of the primary methods systems use to detect cyber vulnerabilities. Penetration finds vulnerable points in your networks and systems. It enables the launch of a simulated cyber attack against your system.

What is Malware?

Malware is an umbrella term for any risky software designed to harm a programmable device, service, or network. Cybercriminals use malware for financial gain and to obtain data. This data can range from financial information to passwords. Penetration tests are used to prevent malware and gain visibility.

If any of the penetration methods successfully penetrate, you can gain insights into where your cybersecurity weaknesses lie and how easily they can be exploited. You can use this transparent test to improve your cybersecurity strategy and protect your network.

What are the Types of Penetration Testing?

There are various types of penetration tests, depending on many factors such as the type of attack, who is conducting the test, and the degree of information provided about the system. A well-designed damage visualization takes into account many variables within the same analysis as it covers different real scenarios.

Types of Penetration Testing by Level of Awareness

Penetration testers are given different targets. The information given about the system often varies. Whether the system administrators are familiar with the test and how much they know about the topics being tested are also used as variables.

Black Box Testing

Black box testing is the most challenging variation for penetrators. In this scenario, the testers have no knowledge of the system. They breach the system as a complete stranger. There are two different ways of implementing black box testing.

Blind testing: Testers are given very limited information about the system in advance. In addition, business employees are aware that a test is being conducted.
Double-blind testing: This method takes black box testing to another level. In double-blind testing, the testers have no information about the test. The employees of the target company are also unaware of the test.

White Box Testing

White Box testing is based on examining the internal structure, design and code of a system. Testers are given detailed information about the target network. In white box testing, a targeted penetration is performed with testers and in-house security experts working simultaneously during the testing process.

Why Do You Need a Penetration Test?

Malware and hackers expose you to many risks. Penetration testing is one of the most important ways to ensure the security of your systems. The benefits of Penetration testing that you will use to ensure the security of your systems can be listed as follows.

  • It helps to identify high-risk targets such as personal data.
  • It reveals vulnerable breach points in your system.
  • It helps to improve your cyber security organization.
  • You can ensure compliance with existing security standards in your industry.
  • Provides proof of the adequacy of your vulnerability detection.

PlusClouds Penetration Testing Services

At PlusClouds, we help businesses strengthen their cybersecurity strategy by offering our customers a comprehensive penetration testing service. Our specialized security team is made up of experienced cybersecurity experts and tests our clients’ systems against attacks using the latest techniques and methods. In our penetration testing process, we work rigorously to identify our clients’ security vulnerabilities, identify potential risks and recommend appropriate corrective measures. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest level of security and offer solutions to protect their businesses against cyber threats.

If you want to have a penetration test, you can start by filling out the Penetration Test Request Form on our website.

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Alara Türkü

متحمس لبلس كلاودز

July 6, 2023, 12:17 pm

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